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Natural Ways to Combat ADD

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is rapidly increasing its prevalence in modern society, and affects more than 2 million children. Often prescribed prescription drugs, sufferers are currently turning to other natural means to combat increasingly untreatable symptoms. Diet The modern over-processed diet filled with sugar and preservatives have proven to be detrimental for people suffering from […]

washing hands

Spark Shield Blend – Protecting Yourself from Germs

If there is one thing that we can all agree upon, it is the importance of keeping yourself clean and free of germs; to protect yourself from the various bacteria, molds, and viruses that we encounter throughout our daily lives. Spark Shield Blend is the culmination of that – an amazing product that can defend […]


Natural Headache Remedies

Headaches can be a real nuisance if left untreated, but natural remedies for them seem few and far between. Luckily, natural remedies are actually quite common, but typically unheard of. Before trying a natural remedy it is best to identify what kind of headache you have. Types of headaches include tension, cluster, migraine, and sinus. […]