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Simple Solution to Common Childhood Illnesses

Here are some simple solutions to common childhood illnesses, putting the power of essential oils to work for you in your home. Ear infections – to fight off an ear infection place 1 drop each of Lavender and Melaleuca behind and in front of the infected ear.  Within 12 hours the infection should be clear. […]

Autism and Essential Oils

There are so many oils that can help with Autism Spectrum Disorders.  The very first and most important rule of using the oils on a child or adult that suffers from these wide ranges of disorders/syndromes is that you NEVER apply the oils if they don’t want you to.  The experience needs to be a […]

Essential Oils, Then and Now

We are unlikely, in today’s world, to find myrrh or frankincense or cinnamon packed as precious cargo and transported by camelback across a sandy dessert trade route on its way to sheiks and sultans; but that touch of decadent luxury is exactly the feeling evoked by just a few drops of precious essential oil rubbed […]