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Healing Through Natures Abundance

The body is composed of dozens of organs and tissues interacting in perfect harmony – when well. When we are sick our bodies are out of sync. They are pulled out of harmony by organisms, lack of nutrition and other similar conditions, each one adjusting the harmony of the interior systems by adding or subtracting […]

Help Prevent the Abundance of Winter Colds and Flus

It seems like kids get sick more and more each year.  Kids are out of school almost as much as they are in school in the winter months and this needs to end.  How as parents and caregivers can we help to stop this epidemic?  By using essential oils.  It helps to provide virus fighting […]

Lavender, THE Essential Oil

If you can only have one essential oil make it lavender… One of my favorite oils to use is Lavender.  If I could only have one essential oil in my home it would be lavender.  I use lavender for almost everything – and that is saying a lot, because while most people absolutely love the […]

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