Description: One of the most potent essential oils available on the market. Oregano essential oil is high in Anti-Oxidant value, phenolic acids, and flavonoids making it just the right addition to your anti-aging routine. The human body is subject to so many toxins you may not know that Oregano essential oil has many Anti-Microbial properties that have demonstrated the ability to inhibit growth of bacteria and fungi.
Properties: Antiviral, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anti Allergenic, Anti Oxidant, Anti Inflammatory, Anti parasitic, Digestive
Historical Uses: Oregano has been used by ancient Greek physicians to treat, trauma, wounds, headaches, lung disorders, asthma, bites and as a remedy for colds and disease. People have also rubbed Oregano into the gums to fight infection.
Possible Uses:
Rub Oregano into gums to fight infections.
Mix with carrier oil and use for diaper rash.
Place under nostril to relieve sinus infections.
Use as an antiseptic for cleaning supplies.
Blends well With: Lavender, Bergamot, Roman chamomile, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Rosemary, Orange, Melaleuca
Oregano Essential Oil Application:
Can be use aromatically
Can be consumed
Can be used topically (Dilute for young or sensitive skin)
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