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The Good And The Bad About Oils

What is the key ingredient in all lotions? Oil. Some type of petroleum or natural based grease. This is because the skin absorbs and uses it for its own advantage and does it quickly. Now, it isn’t ideal that we put whatever random product we find on our bodies – if we absorb the oil […]

Orange Peels Are More Than Just Trash

Have you ever peeled an orange by hand? It is a pretty safe bet that you, like many others, have participated in this simple exercise – but have you ever thought about what is happening when you do? No matter how carefully you try, your hands end up a mess – even if you don’t […]

How the Body Uses Essential Oils

Like all truths in this world, essential oils have been unjustly slandered by the competition. Scientists tied to the pharmaceutical companies are in desperation to keep their positions firm. Any competition can crush their polished places of honor in our society. Patents on new drugs last for years, not to our benefit as the consumer, […]