Archive by Author

Antioxidants from 5 Natural Sources

There has been a lot of hype about antioxidants over the past several years. People have been told that they are the key to everything healthy. Having a good source of them for the body’s nutrition is therefore vital. But what is the best way to get all of those micronutrients into the body in […]

Natural Ways to Overcome Motion Sickness

One of the worst feelings in the world is when you are driving in the car and suddenly can’t keep yourself from wanting to throw up over everything. This is only made worse on long trips when the road winds and curves sharply leaving all passengers (and sometimes the driver) nauseated. Medicine for the upset […]

The Essence of Oils

What is the essence of the essential oils? Nothing less than the secret to their success. They are the purest forms of supplements around. They are not extracted by chemicals or altered in molecular ways – they are simply the product of nature. How many other medicines can claim that same origin? They can’t. Even […]