When Modern Science Can’t Help, Try Essential Oils

One of the worst phrases you can hear at the doctor’s office is “Yes, she does have…no, there isn’t anything we can do for her.” Science has found vaccines for polio and ways to suspend the affects of HIV, but it can’t fight a cold or croup? Well, science may be stuck, but mother-nature is not.

Cultures around the world have been using the healing properties of plants for ages. Even today, you’ll still hear pieces of the old mentality like “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” The human-race has made great advances in the field of medicine and science in general, but seems to have forgotten the things we already knew. So why not look back for once?hiel

How about a nasty cold-virus that cycles the house every week, even repeating visits to individual family members? Try an essential oil blend, such as Spark Shield, and watch the bug get squashed in a day. Or what about that croup we mentioned earlier? A Marjoram back-rub, Breathe on the chest and a shot of Cinnamon on the feet produce an effect no steroid shot could match.

What does this all mean? The human body is a miraculous machine that is designed to fix itself if given the necessary tools. Those tools are simply the building blocks of life – nutrients. Essential oils are made by nature and harvested at the peak time and place to ensure it carries all the best it has to offer. Since it isn’t altered or synthesized, it contains everything mother-nature put in it for our benefit. The oils have dozens of nutrients that the body absorbs and uses quickly and powerfully.

Next time the doctor says “Sorry,” just remember you are not out of options. Nature has been fixing man-kind for centuries and with essential oils, it still is today.


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