Archive by Author

Natural Ways to Combat ADD

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is rapidly increasing its prevalence in modern society, and affects more than 2 million children. Often prescribed prescription drugs, sufferers are currently turning to other natural means to combat increasingly untreatable symptoms. Diet The modern over-processed diet filled with sugar and preservatives have proven to be detrimental for people suffering from […]

washing hands

Spark Shield Blend – Protecting Yourself from Germs

If there is one thing that we can all agree upon, it is the importance of keeping yourself clean and free of germs; to protect yourself from the various bacteria, molds, and viruses that we encounter throughout our daily lives. Spark Shield Blend is the culmination of that – an amazing product that can defend […]


Using Essential Oils For Acne Treatment

Both adults and teenagers can be affected by acne. However, teenagers are affected the most by persistent acne. Some adults, who probably believed skin problems were a thing of the past, are distraught to find themselves affected by acne, too. People with oily skin are the most likely lot to be affected by acne. When […]