Clove Bud





The Spark Naturals Clove Bud oil has a spicy, pleasant aroma. It is warm, sweet, peppery and candy-like. The scent is similar to the common household spice but is also a great Anti-Oxidant.


Analgesic, Anti-Infectious, Disinfectant, Stimulant and Antiseptic

Historical Uses:

Used in the “SHIELD” blend based on the 15th century story of the grave robbers that used a variety of spices and oils to protect themselves against the plague, it is also good for skin infections, digestive upsets and toothaches.

Possible Uses:

Clove can be used for acne, bruises, burns, cuts and as a pain reliever

Gargle with diluted clove to ease throat pain and irritations

Diffuse to help lift depression.

Place a few drops on a cotton swab and touch tooth to alleviate gum or tooth pain.

Add a drop to mouthwash to help with toothaches.

Blends well with:

Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Lavender & Ylang Ylang

Clove Essential Oil Application:

(Dilute this oil before use)

Can be used aromatically

Can be consumed

Can be used topically


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